Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Celebrity Viewing!!

It was good to be back at work today. I was able to accomplish much concerning the Cross Party Group. We finally got a conservative party member to agree to the debate the Financial future of Scotland. I worked on finishing the letter that I was assigned for all the economic professors of scotland. I finished that today and I emailed it to Jim for approval, he made some changes and them tomorrow I will send it over to be reviewed by the approval committee so we can get it sent out asap. I also compiled a mindgenius map today of all the MSP's that are participating in the cross party group and included in the concept map an action list of certain areas that need to be covered for the standard clerk to approve the proposed group. Jim was quite pleased with the completion of those two projects. I am hoping to get the survey out by tomorrow but I am not sure if that will happen. It was a very busy day. I had to stay late tonight to help another intern and because I did I say PRINCE CHARLES AND CAMILLA!!! crazy huh they were at the parliament getting a tour and so we waited to see them. too bad I didn't have my camera -- the one day I forget it.


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