Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Today was a good day. I was able to get a lot done at the office. We finally got out our survey and letter to the 171 economic professors and researchers -- Hallejuah!! That went off yesterday so there is no telling how long it will take for individuals to respond. I will most likely not have time to compile there responses as I only have 9 days left. I am just going to do the best that I can and see what happens. I also used alot of yesterday to get some homework done for my classes at BYU and to finish up with some of the assignments that will be due when i get back. After work yesterday I went out with Jamie to a pub called Mai Thai. We meet up with some of our co-workers there and supported them in a pool tournament that they are participating in. They played really poorly and lost nearly all their games but it was a fun atmosphere and quite an enjoyable time. I always find it to interesting that the Scottish people need a drink to relax and have a good time. It is interesting to be around that atmosphere and not be drinking. Our friends really respect our beliefs though and always offer us a drink of something else. After going out with them we went over to parliament and called home. I was able to speak to mom and Shannon which was really good and needed.


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