Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Haggis, Neeps and Tatties

I was really productive today at work. I think it was mainly because Liz wasn't in and so I wasn't tempted to talk but I also didn't feel like someone was watching my every move. I worked on some homework from home, reading a book called Geography, Science and National Identity by Charles Withers who happens to be a University of Edinburgh professor. I will be going to the open day at the University so it would be really neat to meet him and talk to him about this particular book. I also read a ton of the book Bowling Alone -- I realized today that I don't read very fast and I really need to improve my reading skills if I am going to go to Graduate School. I think the main reason is that I am obsessed with details and because I am just plain lazy and it takes effort to read fast, but I am trying to train myself. I ended up staying really late for work tonight because another intern got a project of stuffing 480 envelops right at the end of work. So I stayed behind to help him. We were at parliament till 10:00. While we waited for the xerox machine to make all the copies we went up the road to a resturant. I ordered Haggis, neeps and tatties. It was excellent haggis. I really enjoyed it. Probably the best haggis I have ever had. Interesting cuisine it is. Sheep insides mixed with oats and spices -- delightful!!


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