Monday, June 12, 2006

Orkney Trip - Cont...

Patrick wasn’t feeling very well today so we kind of took it easy. We walked around the town and went to St Magnus Cathedral. It is so incredible taking nearly 800 years to complete. We went in to the cathedral and just sat there. We were probably there for about an hour enjoying the peace and quiet of the structure. Later on that night we went out with some of our previous investigators Mally and Ann. We went out to dinner and then 10 pin bowling. We had a great time and it was so great to be able to be our crazy selves. After coming back home we watched a movie with Patrick. It has been so great to be with him – I really feel that I needed to come back for myself but for others too. Yesterday, we went hiking and climbed Wideford Hill and seen the cairn on the north side of the “mountain”. Then we went out to Stromness and walked around the town. One of our previous investigators Rhys Copperthwait meet us in town. It was really good to see him again. He never accepted the gospel but it was interesting to see what he had done with knowledge we had given him. He had done absolutely nothing with it. He was at the same exact place he was two years ago. My heart ached as I recognized how that he had chosen for it to have such a little affect on his life. As I saw him again all those missionary feelings of unconditional love for someone came back and yet those same feelings of frustration that he never did anything with the knowledge we gave him. As I walked away from him I began to question whether I did any good here. I remembered all the frustrating feelings you have as a missionary. After seeing Rhys we went out to Yesnaby, this is one of my most favorite places on the island. It is a sea stack next to the coast. It is probably one of the most remarkable things I have ever seen with my own eyes. As a geographer I sat there taking pictures and working out in my mind just how it was formed – drawing my own conclusions from the evidences that surrounded me. St. Magnus Cathedral, relaxed day -- watched Dirty Dancing 2 -- hung around the town -- accents.


At 10:37 AM, Blogger FutureMan said...

It took them 800 years to build the cathedral? You've got to be kidding me! I work on something for two days and I get bored. This was obviously created before the invention of television, or it would have never been finished.


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